Monday, May 5, 2008

They Hugged the Lake!

[First of all, I'm sorry for not posting more often this month. We've had a busy month as the Class of 2012 has made their decisions about where they'd like to be this fall -- and we're thrilled to finally have our class in place!]

On Earth Day, April 22, 2008 -- I got to witness a few hundred UM students show their love to our Lake Osceola and participate in our "Hug the Lake" event. This event was started by our students two years ago, by a student organization called Random Acts of Kindness (RAK). RAK works to do just that -- promote random acts of kindness around campus, and to organize this giant hugging of the lake.

One of my staff members got brave enough to go to the top of one of our dorm towers to take photos, and she's shared them with me. I thought it was also a great way for you to see a truly panoramic view of our campus!

(You can see the chain forming along the lake.)

(This student leader was riding around the lake encouraging more students to join the hug. She got on the campus PA system to get all of the huggers to sing our Alma Mater -- and then the fountain in the middle of the lake came on to celebrate the hug!)

And the huggers got pizza, compliments of RAK and the event sponsors.

These are the kinds of events that I really look forward to around campus -- and I can only hope that our future classes ensure that such simple acts of kindness towards each other and the campus will continue.

Congratulations to RAK for a successful hug!

Question: What kind of school events have you done in high school that you think you'd like to add to our traditions?

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